Muhammad Afifudin 🇮🇩
Software engineer & designer in 1 person.
I love creating products that bring real value to people, and sometimes indulge in unique projects just for fun. I bring together technical precision and creative vision. FE, BE, web/mobile, I deliver clean, high-performance solutions that look great and work even better.
I'm a professional remote worker, and currently not interested in on-site work, unless ... *some text missing*
Pokémon Awesome
Rank #2 on Google when you search for "compare pokemons".

An innovative web-based statistics tool, showcasing my proficiency in math, statistics, & programming. Yes, it really is from more than 5 years ago.
Well-animated educational contents on software engineering.

Healthcare 🤝 Isochrone
An interactive GIS web app that integrates OpenStreetMap, OpenRoute Service, and WorldPop Hub data to analyze healthcare facilities accessibility using isochrones.

JS/TS React/Next.js Snippets
Productivity VSCode extension (6K+ installs).

The simplest website to search Indonesian region code & postal code.

BagiTugas (BPS)
Crafted an app from scratch using Bootstrap, PHP, and SQLite, which significantly improved the efficiency and speed of my coworker's workflow.

Industrial classification code & definition used by BPS (national statistics office).
No fancy tech-stacks, just a solution to a REAL problem.

Insaniquarium Fun Project
Take a moment to relax, unwind, and watch the fish.
Click on the fish to duplicate it.
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- Node.js
- Next JS
- Astro JS
- Vanilla JS
- jQuery
- Animation
- Tailwind
- Ant Design
- TanStack-Query
- Python
- Data Visualization
- and many more...