3D Scatter Plot

3d scatter plot is a three-dimensional data visualization that uses dots to represent the values obtained for three variables.


  • X Axisnum

    Select a numerical variable which will be plotted along the x-axis.

  • Y Axisnum

    Select a numerical variable which will be plotted along the y-axis.

  • Z Axisnum

    Select a numerical variable which will be plotted along the z-axis.

  • Add Variables to Tooltipopt

    Select variables (other than the variable you plotted along the X, Y, and Z Axis) as additional information which will be displayed when you hover the dots.


You can use iris dataset to generate 3d scatter plot from numerical variables like Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, Petal.Length, or Petal.Width.

Statistiku 3D Scatter Plot

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