Compute New Variable

Sometimes you may need to compute a new variable based on existing information (from other variables) in your data. For example, you may want to:

  • Compute person's BMI based on their height and weight.
  • Transform your variable using logarithmic transformation.
  • Convert interval variable into dichotomous variable.

To compute a new variable, first click (Compute Variabel) button in the data editor toolbar and the Compute Variable dialog will appear. Specify your formula in the formula form. You can use your keyboard to type the variable name and mathematical logic, or you can select variable name and operator by clicking the available buttons. Use "space" or "enter" key as a separator between number, variable, and operator.

Click Compute Variable if you have done. If your formula is invalid, the new variable will not be computed. If your formula is valid, the Compute Variable dialog will be closed and your new variable will be computed and placed after the last variable.