Filter Data

Sometimes you may need to include only specific data or cases and exclude the others to your analytics. Filtering data is one of the best way to exclude some data from analysis, rather than deleting unwanted data manually. Statistiku can easily filter your data using custom formula. You can specify the logic on how the data should be included in the analysis.

To filter your data, first click (Filter Cases) button in the data editor toolbar and the Filter Cases dialog will appear. Put the formula in the Rule section. You can use your keyboard to type the variable name and mathematical logic, or you can select variable name and operator by clicking the available buttons. Use "space" or "enter" key as a separator between number, variable, and operator.

Click Save if you have done. If your formula is invalid, the filter will not be saved. If your formula is valid, the filter will be saved and the Filter Cases dialog will be closed. The excluded data will be crossed out and will not be included in the analysis.