Data Editor

Statistiku provides an excel-like spreadsheet data editor you are already familiar with, thanks to Handsontable. We also provide a toolbar in the left side for some additional features. You can do many things easily to set your data suitable for your analysis. Here is some list of what you can do within the spreadsheet:

  • Add (or overwrite) the data simply by type it directly in the spreadsheet

  • Copy the data by pressing Ctrl + C or right-click and select "Copy"

  • Paste the data by pressing Ctrl + V

  • Edit the data in a specific cell by double-click it

  • Insert or remove specific column or row by right-click on the edge (gray colored cell) of the spreadsheet

  • Resize the column or row by dragging it

  • Undo by pressing Ctrl + Z

  • Redo by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Z or Ctrl + Y

  • Drag-and-drop your data file to the spreadsheet to open it

  • Sort the data by clicking its column header

Statistiku Workspace


Open Data File
Open your data from local file or from URL. The supported file formats are: CSV, XLS, XLSX, DBF, and Statistiku file.
Undo actions. This can also be done by pressing Ctrl + Z.
Undo history will be deleted if you open data file and overwrite the previous data.
Redo actions. This can also be done by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Z or Ctrl + Y.
Clear Data
This action will clear all of your data without confirmation. You can recover the cleared data using undo feature.
Custom Header
Activate/deactivate the custom header (custom variable name). Custom header determines whether the first row will be considered as variable names or data.
Value Labels
Set labels to your categorical data, for example the value "1" indicating male and "2" indicating female.
The detailed explanation about adding the value labels can be found here.
Weight Data
Weighting can be used to increase the amount of a record. In sampling, weighting is used to make samples match the population. You can set one variable as weight using this feature.
The detailed explanation about weighting the data can be found here.
Filter Cases
Determine which data should be included to your analysis.
The detailed explanation about filtering the data can be found here.
Transpose Data
Transposing the data will flips the data (which is a matrix) over its diagonal, that is it switches the row and column indices of the matrix.
Compute Variable
Compute a new variable by determining its formula.
The detailed explanation about filtering the data can be found here.
Export Data
Export the data in the spreadsheet in the form of CSV or Statistiku file.

Toolbar Button State

Disabled, means you are in a condition where you can not use this feature.
Normal, means you can use this feature.
Active, means you are using this feature.